How-to SLUG.BAS: This program gamesmasters a game of SLIMETRAIL (see http://www.gamecabinet/rules/Slimetrail.html ). It asks for co-ordinates. To the first question, answer 1,1 to the second question, answer with board-size figures up to about 30 by 17 (a definite maximum). Then, enter the starting co-ordinates of the SLUG. the screen will clear, and be replaced with a gameboard. The title will be on 25th line of screen. the square in upper left corner will be blue the square in lower right corner will be purple These squares will be goals for the two players. Press [SPACE]. The slug appears. A small coloured square in his/her upper left corner shows who's turn it is. Press [SPACE] to pass your turn. Keys to move the slug: w i 8 asd jkl 456 These keys move the slug in the standard ordinal directions. The Slime-Trail is automatically drawn on the screen. When you finish a game, the slug must be put back where it came from and the table wiped clean. Do this by pressing the 'c' key (c is for Clear) twice. You can press [SPACE] until the desired player has the first turn. The only way to quit the game is by pressing the CTRL-BREAK keys. I did not think that writing the code to allow for an easy exit was worthwhile, as my implementation is so rough anyway. If you like the game, please enjoy it as much as you can and teach it to your friends. It can also be played with other move systems (king from chess or knight), or you can play on boards that are not made of squares (like a Hex set). All of the information on these other variations is on the official game page - I hope that this (weak) program inspires you to write better ones. I am still using it to play games against my friends. Perhaps for more fun there could be a three-player game played on a triangular board, but how could it be written? A worthy challenge for a brave code warrior! Best Regards, "Mad" Merle Z