The Praises of Mazenderân.

From the Shâh-Nâmeh of Ferdousee.

[The object of this version was to give a correct idea of the animated anap[ae]stic measure in which the Shâh-Nâmeh is written. Our knowledge of Persian was extremely slight; but a friendly Orientalist gave us a faithful line-for-line translation, which we versified, and he and Ram Mohun Roy then compared our version with the original.]
His hand from the lute hath its melody drawn,
And thus rose the song of Mazenderân :---
   May Mazenderân, the land of my birth,
Its hills and its dales, be e'er famed o'er the earth:
For evermore blooms in its gardens the rose,
On its hills nods the tulip, the hyacinth blows;
Its air ever fragrant, its earth flourishing,
Cold or heat is not felt,-- 'tis perpetual spring.
The nightingale's lays in the gardens resound;
On the sides of the mountains the stately deer bound,
In search evermore of their pastime and food;
With fragrance and colour each season's bedewed;
Whose perfume doth gladness diffuse o'er the soul.
In November, December, and January,
Full of tulips the ground thou mayest everywhere see;
The springs, unexhausted, flow all through the year;
the hawk at his chase everywhere doth appear.
The region of bliss is adorned all o'er
With dinars, with rich stuffs, and with all costly store;
The idol-adorers with fine gold are crowned,
And girdles of gold gird the heroes renowned.
Whoe'er hath not dwelt in that region so bright,
His soul knows no pleasure, his heart no delight.

Keightley, Thomas. The World Guide to Gnomes, Fairies, Elves and Other Little People. New York: Avenel Books, 1978.
Keightley, Thomas. The Fairy Mythology. London: G. Bell, 1878.
I, Merle D. Zimmermann, found this passage written in the back of an otherwise less interesting book. There are some pages missing (curse glue bindings !!), so I am not sure who 'our' were. Anyhow, If anyone can tell me what the Shâh-Nâmeh is, I would love any information that you have.. (where to get a copy of the full work, etc. etc.).. is my email address..
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