Tuned by Merle D. Zimmermann.
This deck's win/loss record, as of Game Fourteen or so, is 12 wins, 1 loss (due to only drawing land cards for the first ten rounds. Argh!), another loss (No land for the first 25!?! rounds), 2 more losses (4 total), and one draw due to time limitations; When I pitched it against my Infinite Suffering, it hashed it in less than 7 rounds, going second.
To get Version 1.7, replace card #42, Goblin Digging Team (The Dark, but has been rereleased) with #42, Orcish Conscripts.
Total Win/loss record of Diminished Returns to date (March 8th, 1997):
27 wins, 8 losses total-(1;hand being all lands for the first twenty rounds-2;as I drew no lands), 1 draw on time.
There is a new version of this deck out, but it did not seem to be performing as well (at least when I wrote this); 3diminishedreturns.html
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