The Deck of Infinite Suffering, Blue and White
Tuned by Merle D. Zimmermann.
- Island
- Island
- Power Sink
- Healing Salve
- Prodigal Sorcerer
- Island
- Plains
- Mesa Pegasus
- Holy Armor
- Plains
- Plains
- Island
- Plains
- Holy Strength
- Sea Serpent
- Island
- Death Ward
- Holy Strength
- Benalish Hero
- Benalish Hero
- Island
- Merfolk of the Pearl Trident
- Prodigal Sorcerer
- Island
- Samite Healer
- Power Sink
- Plains
- Island
- Sea Serpent
- Unsummon
- Island
- Island
- Holy Strength
- Mesa Pegasus
- Island
- Prodigal Sorcerer
- Spell Blast
- Mesa Pegasus
- Merfolk of the Pearl Trident
- Plains
- Unsummon
- Plains
- Unsummon
- Merfolk of the Pearl Trident
- Death Ward
- Power Sink
- Mesa Pegasus
- Healing Salve
- Merfolk of the Pearl Trident
- Holy Strength
- Power Sink
- Plains
- Plains
- Plains
- Prodigal Sorcerer
- Island
Link to my Magic: The Gathering page.