The Sony Playstation !
My PS-X System
I have been having a lot of fun in the last year playing with
my Sony Playstation. I spent about $400 getting started, and now
I am down to a (support) expenditure of $30-$40 a week.
Total Cost: Less than $4,300.00us
System Hardware Accessories
- Sony Playstation Digital Controller
- Sony Playstation Dual Shock Analog Controller
- "Mister Blister" Digital Controller
- "El Broken" Barracuda 2 Dual Shock Analog Controller
- Sony Playstation Memory Card
- Generic NUBY Memory Card
- Generic MEGA 24x Compression-Enabled Memory Card
- Generic nYko "up to" 8x Memory Card'
- another Generic nYko 8x card.
- Two more Generic NUBY 1x cards.
I actually like the (first) NUBY card much better than the
other cards. It is made of very heavy plastic and feels much more
durable to me (you could probably break a window or two with it)..
The lack of an end-cart label space is a minor design mishap, but
its heft more than makes up the deficit.
The new version of the NUBY card is, alas, just like all of
the other cheap non-standard card clones that I have seen ..
My Game-Library
In Alphabetical Order
- "Akuji: The Heartless"
- "Assault Rigs"
- "Beyond the Beyond"
- "Bloody Roar"
- "BRAHMA Force: The Assault on Beltlogger 9"
- "Brave Fencer MUSASHI"
- "Bugriders: The Race of Kings"
- "CyberSled"
- "CyberSpeed"
- "Deathtrap Dungeon"
- "Descent"
- "Descent Maximum"
- "Fighter Maker"
- "Final Fantasy VII"
- "Final Fantasy VIII"
- "Gran Turismo"
- "Granstream Saga, The"
- "Iron and Blood: Warriors of Ravenloft"
- "JetMoto"
- "Jumping Flash 2"
- "King's Field"
- "King's Field 2"
- "Loaded"
- "Lunar Silver Star Story Complete: Collecter's Edition"
- "Machine Hunter"
- "Metal Gear Solid"
- "Monkey Hero"
- "Monster Rancher"
- "Monsterseed"
- "N2O nitrous oxide"
- "Nanotek Warrior"
- "ONE"
- "Overblood"
- "Pandemonium"
- "PO'ed"
- "Raiden Project, The"
- "Roll Away"
- "San Francisco RUSH"
- "Shadow Master"
- "Shipwreckers"
- "Sony Interactive CD Sampler Pack 3.5"
- "Spider: The Video Game"
- "Spyro the Dragon"
- "Tecmo's Deception"
- "Tempest X3"
- "Unholy War, The"
- "Vandal-Hearts"
- "Viewpoint"
- "Wild 9"
The games marked with an asterisk are no longer in my possesion due
to unfortunate circumstances involving people who know that I am
talking about them now !!!
If you have any questions about the games that I have listed here,
feel free to drop me an email at
Please be aware, though,
that I am very busy at school :( and may not be able to reply for a
week or so
Akuji: The Heartless
This game is pretty cheesy, but nevertheless gave
me about three hours of fun (so far.. I am on
World 3-1).. With concepts obviously ripped from
Super Mario ("Collect 100 voodoo dolls and receive
an Extra Akuji!!") it is nothing especially new.
Fighting the numerous enemies becomes easy when
you realize that the game engine can't have more
than two moving objects (besides Akuji and the
furniture) onscreen at once. It is easy to win
in all the battles.. When fighting wimpy monsters,
just charge them and pound the attack button.
Surprisingly enough, the game is forced to do
little 'I am hit' animations on the monsters
and they can't ever strike back (as long as your aim is true..;).
To fight the bosses, just hide
behind something and use the handy 'magic machinegun' that even
comes with crosshairs !!
After playing ONE, you will laugh at the jumping
puzzles that you have to go through in this game.
Assault Rigs
This game was good for the first ten levels or so, but then I
stopped playing it for a while and now, whenever
I load my save file, I totally die. It becomes a little
tricky after the first few simple levels. The only way to finish
a couple of the later levels (i.e. Level 13, 14) involves
going through walls which are not really solid. Devious.
Saves once per block. Has a high score list that lets you
start at any level that has a score next to it, making it
easier to show your friends how cool you actually are by
virtue of comparison.
Beyond the Beyond
This "roleplaying" game would be fun, except that
- it is way Primitive
- it has WAY Too Many Random Encounters
- the Random Encounters Always last AT LEAST 5 minutes
- the Plot moves TOO Slowly
- the Plot is (first 5 hrs) TOTALLY UNINSPIRED..
I have read more exciting milk cartons!!
- the Savepoints are Few and Far Between
- the 2d graphics are ugly, and the characters are
The game did have 2 innovations.. A 3d travel map that
sticks out of the screen and keypad sequences that you
can enter during battles to power up your characters.
unfortunately, I don't know the keypad sequences and
90% of the game takes place in random encounters.
This game might be fun if you could turn off the random
encounters.. If anyone tells me how to do so, I will
finish the game and write a more favorable review.
Bloody Roar
This game was a lot of fun to play on my computer (running
a PS-X interpreter (bleem), but
when I tried it on the ps-x the action went to fast for me
to follow.. (i need a lot of practice).. The game is a good
example of a 3d fighting game.
BRAHMA Force: The Assault on Bootlegger 9
Eaaaugh !! KILEAK the DNA IMPERATIVE is back,
and this time your mechno (erhm,
Bipedal Robotic Assault Heavy Mechanized Armor)
can jump like the rabbit
who starred in the Jumping Flash series.
This game is pretty cool, although the monsters obviously
are just generated by a random algorithm. Saving and
restoring the game also saves and restores your life bar,
which I have not yet figured out how to refill. The first
5 scenes were good, though uninspired, but I haven't gotten
any farther. This game has nice computer rendered cut
Brave Fencer MUSASHI
Whee !
Zelda has finally come to the Playstation, only now Link is
MUSASHI, the sword wielding midget. The game has everything,
including expensive collectable dolls of the characters that
you can buy in one of the stores in the town. The toys are
also available in REAL LIFE, so you can BUILD YOUR COMPLETE
COLLECTION !! WOW !! COOL !! I just wasted 4 hours of fighting
monsters buying three toys that weren't even real..! Ugh !!
There are many many many secrets, and they actually make you
use all of your special abilities when playing the game.. There
is a cool 'Assimilate' function that lets you suck special
abilities from your enemies (some of which are REALLY IMPORTANT,
so when in down, use FUZION, the Assimilating Sword)..
The Boss characters in this game remind me of the Mega Man series;
they take forever to kill. The dude at the beginning of the game
took me almost half of an hour to bash to bits. Fortunately for
those of you who remember having to start over some games because
of running out of extra lives, MUSASHI gives you infinite continues.
The game uses one block of memory per card, and that block
can hold up to four saved games.
Bugriders: The Race of Kings
This game is a racing game. It is essentially a three-dimensional
version of Ridge-Racer (or games of that Ilk). The course is a
long tube that floats down through three-space. This is the only
game that I own that is two-player, but the one-player mode is the
best. The game is not very hard (if you choose a fast character),
and it became very fun after playing through the first set of courses.
I haven't figured out how to save the game yet, although any
information would be appreciated. "Crop" means to accelerate, but you
must keep "Crop"ping, other-wise you slow down again. I considered
it a fun buy for $10, but don't pay more that $15 unless you are an
addict of racing games.
If you find a copy of this game, burn it.
It must be the worst game ever to be released for PS-X, with the
possible exception of Viewpoint. Does not support
memory cards, or even saving at all. The frame rate during
the game is about 10/sec. Do NOT, under any
circumstances, buy. This is the first game that
the Ridge Racer guy who says "R4" in R4 did voice acting for.
In this Single Player game you race down a wire that goes
in a large loop (at 30fps)..
Think "Tempest" for the controls; you are held to the wire by a
small length of rope that allows you to adjust your angle.
- Racing is VERY FAST.. some levels become confusing because they
have a couple of branch points on the course (you select the alternate
route by pressing 'O', if I remember rightly)..
- Beware .. You CAN turn around .. There are different keys for "look"
and "turn".
- This game is REALLY 3D if you hold a lens from a pair of sunglasses
over one eye during the races.
- Programmers put a bunch of funny "future commercials" on the Disc.
Check them out; it plays one after every race, regardless of the
- Save is one block for 8 slots.
Ian Livingstone's Deathtrap Dungeon
This game, published by EIDOS, the same people who brought
you Tomb Raider, is rated Mature, and for
good reason. If you thought Laura Craft was scantily clad,
wait until you see the female lead character in this
game. I guess that the programmers thought that "armor" and
"underwear" were synonyms (they both have 2 'r's in them),
but these people should have been arrested for indecent
exposure. The game has a few serious problems, but also
a few advantages over other games in the slash and
bash tradition.
The controller, although configurable, is not analog
compatible. Walking the character around is like trying
to steer a boat, especially when running. Expect to die
several times on each of the jumping sequences.
The camera tries to be innovative, but it is obvious that
the code wasn't quite finished. This is the only game that
I have seen where they preferred having the walls tear to
having the camera get stuck in corners.
Advantages include:
- Crazy number of levels in dungeon--the box says there are
20 altogether (and after 5 hrs of play I have finished only three).
- Ridiculously large levels--Even I, knowing the entire layout
of the first level, take more than forty minutes to hack my way through.
- Tons of splatter--Expect to see blood dripping from the
walls when you use some of the hack and slash
moves in close quarters. Sadly, they remove the bodies
after only fifteen or twenty seconds. Happily, all of
the bits that you chop off of the torso stay around.
Expect to see plenty of severed legs and things every level.
- If you can figure out how to, you can actually get
weapons like the machine gun or flamethrower (which works well
on those nasty spiders) that are hidden in secret areas.
- The traps in the dungeon actually kill you in
interesting ways. Usually you have about two seconds of
warning before you get fried, so those of you with
quick minds can expect to escape more often than not.
One word of advice: The skeleton is there for a reason!
The memory behaviour is very poor. Each card may only
store one save file, which makes it a real pain to have
more than one person playing on a low budget. Grumble...
However, this is the perfect situation for those nYko "up to" 8x
cards because the Deathtrap Dungeon save actually takes up
only a little bit of the space on the card..
Remeber the reviews that said that this game made some people
airsick.. I got Descent II for the computer and did not have
any problems, so I disbelieved them. Unfortunately for me,
Descent I DOES make people airsick.
2 player mode only works if you have 2 copies of the game, a
PS-X Link Cable, 2 TV sets, and 2 playstations. Needless to
say, because this game is pretty rare, I have never tried
the 2 player mode.
Descent Maximum
This game seemed cool until I played Descent I. It is still
fun, though, and since Descent I is so rare, you should be
able to make do with this. This game supports the same
sort of link game that Descent I used, and it only differs
in that there is a different set of levels on the CD.
HINT: The maps were designed for people who fly
right-side-up. turn your ship over before you start to
play and check out how obvious the ambushes and secrets become.
Fighter Maker
This "game" is not what it seems; expect to spend countless hours
moving each segment of the characters' bodies and STILL having it
look like they are floating. Definitely try this one before you
buy it.
Saves can cost up to 15 blocks, depending on what you want to save
(the character's name takes one block, the punches take up about six
blocks, and the other movements use up even more space). The saves
are NOT compressible.
Final Fantasy VII
I am not worthy to review this game. (The first 3 hours of the game
are the most fun.. After you leave Midgaar the game gets really
old really fast. There are too many random encounters. Have at
least three blocks to put save files in (each save uses a block).
If you really want to know stuff about this game, then go to
FinalFantasy Online- they have
EVERYTHING that you need to know (downloadable music, walkthroughs,
etc. etc.). I beat the game in 38 hours and 49 minutes with only
ONE hint.. and that was the VERY LAST THING that was in the
Final Fantasy VIII
This game is not as exciting as the first three hours of FFVII, but
it is still fun after 10 hrs.. I am now on the second CD.. The
characters are very tall in this game. Again, see
FFOnline for more
Gran Turismo
If you buy a good car (around 8000Cr), then you can
learn how to play easily. Expect to spend a few hours trying
to get the B.License. I haven't figured this game out
too well, but my younger brother is a real whiz, so you should
talk to him if you have questions. This game is really
nice, and is almost worth $20. I have a copy of the original
edition that I picked up in CompUSA at the lower price,
and the reference manuals are really nice. Saves cost five
blocks for a campaign game, two blocks if you change the
controller buttons, and about 1/2 block per instant replay,
if you are running with an analogue controller. You have
to choose how many blocks you want to save for instant
replays before you record any. It is better to err on
the side of too much, if you have a compressing card, since
extra blocks that are still empty don't cost you anything.
The Granstream Saga
This game was good until I got to the 4th floating island (most of
the way through). Then,
the battles got *REAL BORING*.. I figured out a method that always
wins, but takes FOREVER to do, and when I tried to go faster,
my character just took mega damage.
This game is a Role Playing game similar to Zelda in that the
character walks around on a map that has monsters and stuff
on it, but differing because whenever a monster notices you,
the game switches to an "Action Battle" mode.. Just you and
the monster, fighting on the map.
The faceless characters weirded some people out. The entire
game is rendered with a sparse few video clip sequences that
ARE NOT SUBTITLED !?!? The annoying* music makes you turn down
the volume on the TV, then an unexpected video clip has people
whispering on it and you can't hear a thing. By the time you
get the volume up you have missed the entire conversation.
Save points occur every half-hour of play or so, if you know
which way you need to go. When you get near the end of the game,
expect to see a bunch of recycled areas (I guess they ran out of
space on the CD)..
Nintendo stole one of its' Pokemon from this game.. The first
bigboss is Cubone.
ADVANCED D&D Iron and Blood: Warriors of Ravenloft
This game would have been cool, but it suffers from poor manual
design. I was never successful in getting any of the special
moves that are listed in the booklet to work, and the Autosave
function is never adequately explained. Because the game programmers
failed to put in a 'No Blood' option, this is probably not suitable
for your parents. The characters move strangely as well, and their
victory dances just look weird instead of cool.
The stupid voiceovers that happen at the end of each fight will
embarass the winner.
Surprisingly enough, the music in this game is sort of cool. I will
preliminarily identify the genre as 'death metal' (but I am not
very good at classification, so if you disagree, please
tell me so that I can
fix it). Unfortunately, the music is not stored as a standard
CD audio track, so you can't just carry the disc around and listen
to it on a CD player.
Jet Moto
Saves cost one block each and are VERY compressable.
Jumping Flash 2
This game is strange but fun. You are a robo-rabbit, and the
VRness of the game is quite amusing. I think that this was
based on a early PS-X game; it does not emulate well at all because
it uses ALL of the graphics rendering capabilities. Suitable
for most ages, the game is a pleasent introduction to the 'platform'
jumping sort of game. Very lighthearted, but not as cruel or
impolite as Spyro. (You are helping this guy [evil scientist
mastermind in the previous game] rescue his pet MuuMuus("moo moo")).
A good break from the usual splash and dash fare.
Saving costs one block and allows you to access
anything that you saw while playing the game
(video clips, bonus levels, etc.).
King's Field
This game must be seen to be believed. Imagine, if you will, a
Hexen/Heretic clone. Now think of molasses flowing. Resident Evil.
The combination of incredible slowness and absolute terror makes
this game somewhat difficult to play.
- Whole game is rendered .. NO FM-VIDEOs HERE !!! Intro-sequence
announcer obviously doesn't speak any English and is just reading
phonetic cue cards.
- Whole game is in Slo-Mo; you won't need a controller with a
'slowdown' feature to play this game..
- The map is HUGE.. no. that's not the right word.. hmm..
GARGANTUAN?... nope.. still too small. Imagine what Final Fantasy
VII would have been like if the whole game was played at the Midgaar
scale level.. Now make it even bigger ..!
- Although the map is big, the game is LOADLESS !
- The monsters are TOUGH !! - There is this octopus at the
beginning of the beginning of the game who kills you in one hit.
To kill the little octopi, you need to hit them 3 or 4 times with
the sword..
- The NPCs don't speak in words; they speak in BOOKS !! Each NPC
that I have met so far have about 5 screens full of information that
they will tell you.. Watch out, though; they NEVER repeat themselves.
- Each save costs 2 blocks, and you can only save at these
crystals that are stuck to the walls.
- The magic spells would be neat, except I always run out of Mana..
King's Field 2
Here is another game using the Kings Field graphics engine. Developed
by the same team, it also succeeds in being gargantuan, terrible, and
loadless. Not for the faint of joystick. Has all of the same features
that Kings's Field 1 had, but also contains a virtual book that
contains everything that has been said to your character. It is much
easier to go through the game when you can look over your previous
conversations, and this feature is a great one.. I never figured
out how to save the game, so I don't know how many blocks that this
game uses.
Take the old favorite Gauntlet and add tons of splatter.
Now you have Loaded, a really early PS-X game. This is
one of the few games that I am aware of that actually deserves
the Mature Audiences rating. If you are a kid, do not
buy this game. There is way too much blood. The game is
also quite primitive, and the graphics are not that good. If you
want this kind of experience, I would recommend getting Machine
Hunter instead; it does everything that this game does better
(when you run through pools of blood you leave tracks in Machine
Lunar Silver Star Story Complete: Collectors Edition
This is a classic-style "rpg" that could easily run on the SNES,
sans video clips, scenery, animations, multi-layring graphics,
a lot of the music, and most of the 50 endings. I am playing
this game right now.
- Game lets you save anywhere !!
- Graphics are really cute and vintage.. [Think Chrono Trigger
(only with shorter characters)].
Tecmo's Deception
This would be my favorite Playstation Game, except for the 5 minute
boot loading time, 9 block Per One (!!) save game Memory Requirement,
and the difficulty of triggering traps to 'hit' fast adventurers.
HINT: wait until the trap-arrow is spinning BEFORE hitting the
trigger button.
This is my favorite Roleplaying/Wargame ever - It is very slow going,
and has no
user-interactivity in the RPG segments is nonexistant, and the numerous
battle segments are very fun and difficult. It only loads once every
few minutes, so you can use the fun Disc-Switching Mode to play with
two or three friends at once. It is one player, and two blocks of
memory allow you to save three games (in town) AND one Mid-Battle game.
Ogre Battle Limited Edition
I do not know of a game that is stranger than this. It looks as if
it is something from the Super-Nintendo, the Fighting segments are
totally noninteractive, but the music and character generation process
is incredible !!! Each save file is two blocks long.
60 frames per second with a glass floor, ceiling,
and mirrored platforms ?!?!!
Some would call it impossible, but this happens all the time in MDK.
I love this game, although I am very bad at it. My friend finished
all six worlds on Easy mode in just under eight hours. One memory block
allows you to save eight files. Wonderful Sniper-cannon mode. My
favorite weapon is the "Tracking Rocket Sniper Grenade". Whee-Kaboom !!!
One memory block, One save file. HINT: Use the password continue
feature instead-It doesn't keep track of how many continues you have
An incredible blastathon, but nicely low on strategy. After killing
ten or twenty units, you become practically invincible and can only
die due to the many, many, testy jumps in this game.
Shadow Master
A very difficult Doom-like game. With a heads-up display, magic.
I never finished the first level, so I do not know anything about
the save features. There are many evil suprises, so be on guard.
switch all panels to matching symbols to unlock the doors.
Watch out for sea serpents.
PS-X Sampler CD 3.5
This CD is really dull, but it comes free with a new playstation.
It has one song on it that works really well with N2O...
see below.
I could not find any instances where this program used the
memory card. There are a few secrets for
those who have perserverence-I won't tell you where they are.
Resident Evil: Director's Cut
This game made me sick, so I returned it to the store.
Don't buy if you have a weak stomach, and don't mind
having your head ripped from your feeble body with no
warning. Has a good rumble feature.
The Raiden Project
This game supports saving highscore and configuration
data, and does so on one block. It only allows one
save per card, but that doesn't really matter because
it is an arcade game clone. Inside the CD you will find
both Raiden, and Raiden II. The Atari Jaguar version
is better, because you can see the top and bottom of the
screen. The optional "horizontal" mode has some of the
best legal disclaimer text that I have ever seen on the
Playstation. If you want it to be just like the arcade
machine, you have to modify your controller's circuit board
or build a custom one yourself--you can't turn the TV on
its side to play because they change the alignment of
the controller.
Thank your lucky stars that this game is rare, because
it must be the third worst game ever for any platform.
While the Sega Genesis version was actually fun, this
game succeeds only in being painful, as the controls
are sluggish and the enemies are all 90% invincible.
If you like fly-through-space games, go somewhere else.
This game has three letter continue codes for each
level, and does not know about memory cards at all.
This is all for today--I have to go back to school tomorrow
morning at 6:05 and am getting tired.. Have a good