Examples of Low Orkish 4
Let it be known that I have added an additional in these examples; as the dash '-' connects
words, so the double-dash '=' is a twice-stronger=bond.
Here are many examples of Low Orkish. I hope that reading and translating them gives you
some familiarity with the Art of Orkish's very elusive grammar, and some learning in the
60 (so far) words in the language. Please note that in (Low) Orkish, you may simply embed
words from other languages if you need to more affix your meanings. I usually try to
convert them (by sound) to the eleven-letter alphabet, but if you are too lazy to do that,
so much the better.
- ihkls irn-hkuls-stuff tu-vuhk.
- vehk vehka-vehka et.
- ihkls hkuls-hkals.
- et vuhk hkanu-hkuls-hkals, hkin vehka-ihkls ruhk valeron@pocketmail.com ...
- tarhk-hkuls rehki-ruhk
- ihkls-zahk-vehka.
- eni-vut hkut-hkuls.
- hkri irn-hket tu hkati-hkuls.
- ihkls rehken iv-hkat-hkut.
- ils-hkanu-hkuls hkils ihk-hkati-nels, ils-hkati-hkuls hkils iv.
- hket-rehk, rehki-hkati-hkuls zir-mix, tahk, hkut-tahk.
- eni-hkuls, verhk-hkar, hkin-tahk hkut.
- zahk-hkuls ilsv-zir ihkls-vehk.
- nels-nahk ven hkuls-verhk; irn-hket tu-nels.
- vehki-hkuls hkahk-ruhk hket.
- auls verhk-et, hkils-els.
- vehk-hkati-hkuls tehk hkut=zir-hkate.
- zahk-hkan hkut-tu hkuls.
- ihkls-hkate vahk-rels vuhk-et.
- hkat hkils eni; nels, hkals.
- els, vehk-hkin tu rehk=hket-[the]-hkut=hkri.
- ils-hkuls hkanu-zir, vehk-hkuls hkut.
- vuhk-tehk zut ehk; it-hkut?
- zir-hke, vuhk, nalshk?
If anyone needs translations of these, drop me a
note and I will see what I can do for you.
vuhk vehka-ihkls orkish!
vuhk hkin-see auls-vehka et!!
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