Useful Phrases for the Kommon Ork
In Low Orkish
Here are a few phrases and suchlike that were requested by various friends
for 'canned' use. Perhaps you shall find them useful as well as examples
of the robustness of the Orkish Language.
- You come meet me at _____
- vuhk hkin=ziv-ihkls ruhk-Location_Name.
- We give death to our enemies
- auls irn hket-tu auls-nels.
- You are an ork-friend now
- vuhk hkuls-hkals et
- I am an ork-hero
- ihkls hkuls-vehki!
- Give me magic NOW.
- ihkls irn-ET zahk.
- Give me food and drink.
- vuhk irn-hkls vut, rehk.
- Please heal me.
- vuhk vahk-rels ihkls.
- die, Elf-Friend!
- hke nels-hkals!!
- ha ha ha
- hkahk hkahk!
- I must go now.
- ihkls hku*-et RL.
- *hku means 'go'.. as there wasn't a word for it in orkish.
- My parents are so foolish
- ihkls-zuls=iv-hkati.
- I wield Great Magicks!
- ihkls tehki vehk-tarhk-zahk!!
- My phone line is broken!
- ihkls TEL#*-hkate, ihkls-rehken.
- *TEL# is = to phone line.
That's all for now. Hope this makes it easier to learn the language!
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vuhk vehka-ihkls orkish!
vuhk hkin-see auls-vehka et!!