Hello, Friend. My page currently consists of much information on
diverse topics. It includes a series of free games that I designed,
numerous MtG decks, and a long list of strange trinkets and amusing anecdotes. Numerous MIDI music recordings of my compositions are
also present in various places.
Merle Zimmermann
Things I am:
- Pianist
- Harpsichordist
- Viola da Gambaist
- Substitute Organist
- Student
- Videogame Addict
- Composer (hear it!)
- Programmer of TI-83 "utilities".
- Gin Rummy Player
- Boy Scout
- Discordian
- Numismatist
- Homeschooled Student (Taught at home)
- Artist (see logo below)
- Photographer (see
- College Student (also !)
- Vegetarian (One who doesn't eat Meats)
- Artificarian (One who only eats Artifical Foods)
- Webmaster (Obviously !)
Time Remaining until the Year 3000
Tip of the Hat to
The White House for the Javascript code !
My New Logo !
Tip of the Hat to the Sir Richard Francis Burton for xlating
the One Thousand Nights and A Night's Entertainments. This is printed
in my copy's endpaper.
Let it be known to all that perhaps it is the case that there is music
on this website from The Zelda Headquarters
- except for the music which I recorded myself; this resides at music.html. Also, I put some music files in a
subdirectory outside this one at
Many thanks go to them for their kindness is allowing the borrowing of
music files from their site. I am forever in their debt. Also, whoever
mixed these recordings, you did a wonderful job! Thank you! Thanks! It
shall also be known that it is the case that the music will be credited
at the bottom of said page.
It may be noted that I have now broken my website up into small and
discrete segments, in order to allow those with slower connections to get
relevant data faster. You can still find the original page at http://www.alumni.caltech.edu/~zimm/merle.html
, if you want to get it (in a very out-of-date form) all at once. If anyone else has any better ideas,
please send them to me, so I can implement them as I did this one. The
old single-page will probably fade out of existance before the Millenium
is up, so stay tuned..
To the Student:
Reliable as this method is, let no one depend too much on either method
or teacher. The work, remember, must be done by yourself; and the fullness
of success can come to you in one way only, --- and that is by bringing
to the work enthusiasm, energy, perserverance, and invincible determination;
by being exacting with yourself and never calling anything "good enough"
that is not the best you can do; by putting an object at the end
of every hour's practice, and never dawdling over the work simply to kill
time; by adopting for your motto, "There is no such word as fail,"
and never losing sight of it.
Such common-sense measures, directed by a common-sense method, make
failure not only improbable but absolutely impossible.
The Chandler Practical Shorthand, by Mary A. Chandler
Atherton, 1917.
- Please read the Disclaimer first.
- Some Vital Statistics about myself, nothing
you would be interested in.
- Multi User Dungeons (what I came here for).
- Tamagotchi s and more free computer games
from Japan (Macintosh s only!)(a few links, my experiences.)
- Videogame reviews.
- Zelda Headquarters - This is the
best framed website that I have ever seen (and I am not ashamed to link
to). Their full-scale integration of music and graphics is quite excellent.
- Magic: The Gathering
- (Free) New Games (written in the past few years):
- Merle's Star Battle - A card-based game played with coins (or other
suitable tokens).
- Original version
- Revised version
- Merle's Tracross! - A game to be played with graph paper and virtual
model trains.
- Merle's MinYat - A Yahtzee variant designed for Speed !
- Formatted with HTML formats.
- A (small) Variant of Risk
- The Game-Cabinet - Quite
good! Home of Waving
Hands, Slime
Trail, and Durak.
- Codes and Ciphers.
- Free Stuff
- Boy Scout Troop 439 Pictures
- Some stuff I did for some Professional
Musicians (probably not interesting to you (Offsite at AOL
(often down)))
- A bit of Virtual Reality (in VRML).
- Me playing some early keyboard music.html,
alas, perhaps not as well as I usually do (MIDI files).
- More Recent Music Recordings and Compositions (by Merle D. Zimmermann !!!) are in the
folder called music, Up one level.
contains notes and comments, but it crashes some browsers, so be warned !
- A Song which I am helping a friend with for FC Barcelona. (1MB+)
- Annotated list of some unsorted stuff (not
the same stuff as Unsorted Stuff below)
- Interactive Fiction (text adventures) games and
languages on the net (very small)
- Assorted computer programs, with several
Interactive Fiction game engines in BASIC.
- Non-Interactive Fiction
- Erik's Homepage - Very futuristic,
lots of his poetry and other works.
- "POSEA"'s fables Some fables which
I made up that end with bad (but hopefu humorous) morals.
- Russian Stories Here are some Russian stories
which I copied down from memory from a book.
- The Wishing Rings. A short story written
(or rather transcribed) from what might have been a dull ride in a vehicle
which shall not be identified, but wasn't after all. Humorous dialogue mastered
by me.
- The Tom-Swift story that I am in
the process of writing. So far, at least Chapter One has been finished.
I am planning to include multiple parallel storylines, and perhaps some
interaction, but it is likely going to be noninteractive for a long while,
if not forever.
- Unsorted stuff (read: endless list of html
addresses, with no sort of continuity)
Feel free to write the WebMaster
(!chrosk@capaccess.org ) with your comments on this and other pages.
My email problem has been fixed, so feel free to send
me lots of mail.
Let it be known that I have finally fallen to the state where I used
Netscape's HTML editor to change these pages, as I was in a great hurry
and manual HTML authoring is slow buisness. I will be fixing them when
I get some real free time, which might arrive sometime in the next 36 months
(I hope!). If this change in syntax has damaged the content of this group
in any way, please tell me and I shall go back to editing my files with
a regular text editor.
I would like to thank the grand efforts of Altavista,
Digital's search engine, without which these pages would have never been
the same. Besides being the best search engine that I have ever used, Altavista
also offers a small package that can be installed onto your desktop computer
(Altavista Personal Search), which will allow you to use the famous Altavistian
search engine on your local files (invaluable when you are trying to find
things in Netscape's cache, or rapidly
sort through reports generated with an autonomous agent, such as the greatly
revered NetAttache Lite, a free automatic
page capturing engine).
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A Proud Member of tSoT0W
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