NEW: My version of the teaser music from the new anime Snow Fairy "SUGAR"!! Check out how cute this anime is !! wow! oa-sugar-trailer1.asf for the anime (file originally from the link'd page). OLD: September 11th, 2001 Terrorist disaster footage in REALMEDIA VIDEO format. If you missed seeing it on TV, see the second crash, the collapsing building, firefighting, general purpose rubble, and the President's speech from the September 11th, 2001 world trade center/pentagon incident.
OLDER: Faust Fantasy as W-M-8 file (Listen while streaming on 28k modem or above).
OLDER: Visit Cell Phone Area, just for you with cell phone web-browsers.
NOT NEW ANYMORE: There is something glitchy with TRIPOD today; to listen to the wma files of Faust/the MP3 music in the Cell phone area, you may need to put in into the OPEN window of Windows Media Player for it to work properly (this web browser I'm using thinks that WMA is for a text file, not music ... umm).
Also if the web page for CELL doesn't work, try accessing the URL for the cell phone part (When I tried to use the DOWNLOAD option on the MP3 there was an endless loop of the webpage again and again..)

vaaaleron's World of Stuff

I'm during March 7, 2001 when I write this.

The New Millenium

Now that it is the future, I might as well write some more about what I am doing. Over the holiday I got some digitizing gear for my comp, so now I can do cool things with video (Spring break starts (03/07/01) next week; I'll digitize some of my skits.

Looking ahead, Pocketmail, my email thingy, raised the rates to $15 a month. This is unacceptable. I am going to be ending my subscription sometime this month. Therefore, direct all messages to, which is my new main address.

Plans for the future (next week) include:

Things from 1999 and 2000:

Yum Yum Noodles.. :-0


The Degeneration of Videogames in today's world essay.
"The Art of Being a Substitute Organist" English 101 paper.
The CUE CAT's barcode reader !! I have written a little VB prgm that you can use to capture the codes; I will NOT upload it soon.. I need to put the disk in my comp. Sept 8 2000. The Cue cat ppl said I can't upload so I can't. Nov 29 2000
I have just finished a project for my Linear Algebra class. Here's a link to the WORD file of the paper. My contribution was in writing a program that automates the processes described in the paper; I have to load it off of my little laptop :)


Saga of the Star-Knights has written itself into a corner..
The City (new project)
Renju (project on hold)
The Wishing Rings, a transcript of a particularly funny "roleplaying" session that I had with a couple of friends a while back.
Review of Njal's Saga, an icelandic story that is incredibly interesting


The Playstation Review (old version)
The contents of my Pocket Organizer..
The Student's Cookbook. Make Super Ramen and Purple Soda in the cafeteria.. * now with advice on sleeping *
Getting icecubes out of a tray without touching them...
ARGanoid has some nice reviews of PC games; I agree with most of what he says.


Streaming 2.4 kbps: Book 1, Canto 1 of the Faery Queene by Spenser !
Read Lady Isabel and the Elf-Knight Online !
HEAR The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam!! Almost 18 minutes of audio in only 4.1 megabytes of dataspace! 32kbps compression! You never need be without a spiffy bit of poetry again! Recorded in one take with my garbagecomputer. (only three mistakes!)
READ The Praises of Mazenderân straight from the hallowed pages of the Shâh-Nâmeh of Ferdousee!!
Check out some Haiku that I wrote. [very poor]


And now ... ATOM WAR - a card game at the end of the world for 2+ players. (April 29th, 2000)
PLAY Lord of Darkness, a new adventure game..ZIP format, and Self-extracting exe..
Both have compiled IBM-PC versions and complete source code (generic BASIC)..
WAR me; list of games that I have lying around this year.
The Incredible Javascript IQ Test !!! [stupid warning label]
MinYat, a game not completely unlike Yahtzee!
Stock Market Analyst-A Game of many Newspapers.
Buy some of my computer games that I am done with! Aug21,2000
The Pokémon Challenge !.. Aug21,2000
I am working on a walkthrough for Final Fantasy Adventure Gameboy; stay tuned.


Pig Latin was yesterday.. Today is ... DESIGNED LANGUAGES !!
Learn the Low Orkish Language !
Visit a real directory of Language Design: home of Jeffery H.
Upgrade your communications with SedoNeural: Linguistic MSG !!!

Songs and Media

Visit my Ork Band Website with (streaming mp3s!!!).
My Music, First Work with MIDI.
My Music, Second Work with MIDI.
IBM-PC QuickBASIC musicgeneration program w/source code, executables, zipped (about 87kb)
Listen to my First MP3 Experimental Song: I am afraid ...
The Siligna Sorceress is back ! check out what I made with Massiva..
totally free midi/audio sequencing for the masses

Isgarth yrsgald tsuggahth!
Here is the new version of tsuggahth. Nov 29th 2000

NOTE I just got a CD-BURN UNIT, so if you want to get a copy my album on CD, you can write me with your address and I'll send it to you if I can afford the postage. I might also throw some shareware stuff onto the disc if you want it and I feel like taking the extra trouble (I have the free Halflife TF/Counterforce CTF set from some magazine CDs). I have 85 minutes of stuff.

Previous Features

All written by Merle Zimmermann, Siligna Sorceress
An older version of the new embedded piece.
Here is my latest piece, written for a good friend of mine who is starting to design RPGs. Feel free to use this one in your game. Also check out the loopable version (tsuggah7.mid). Completed late last night (Thursday, October 12th, 2000).. Think about this: every four seconds of this stuff took me ten minutes to write.. but I must keep writing..
Cool feature- this piece does not use stereo, for all of you laptops out there with only one speaker. ragik13c.mid
Another eight hours of work on ragik9b.mid have passed and I am proud to present the newer, better, longer version. Finished on August 22, 2000. A surprise awaits for those of you who have the N64 by Nintendo. ragik9b.mid I wrote this on August 21, 2000. Check out the true anguish that is wrapped around the second set of chords. I finally figured out how to do triplets properly, so this piece has lots of them. Also included is a short interlude which hails from my early days using MusicWorks on my Macintosh Plus. layali.mid I woke and this was fading in my ears. [still in progress; I need some way to change the tempo-at the end it needs to become a quick 2/4 military march to match the dream]..
This song had been tormenting my sleep near the beginning of April, 2000. Arghh..!
previo: gree2.mid
prevf: lenghtr3.mid
previous feature: index2.mid
if you have a wavetable sound card (sad sad), then use wavetable.mid for a less extreme effect on index2.mid.
really old music MerleTV Streaming Video stuff (28.8 modem needed if you want to Stream it).


Added on Sept 18th.

Electronic Addictions


I don't play much anymore, but here are two games that I still have loving memories for..


Older DOS box/Windows

I have a few things stashed over at that I couldn't fit here (there is a 10 megabyte limit)..

Useful for any OS


Visit my photogallery.
Visit Boy Scout Troop 439 photogallery.
Visit the folder of BASIC code.. check out my 3D screen savers.. (some with Joystick control !)


Older version of this index file.
Couldn't find what you wanted here? Perhaps it is in with the stuff that I did
Once upon a time
Small Page

Shrine to the dead homepage:

Year 2.
First page ever.

Nedstat Counter Page Statistics.

Contacting Me

Other People

Gregory Van Patten's homepage... A personal hero of mine who has designed several interesting board games (try out Diffusion - the first variation is also really cool).
Erik Max Francis! Has tons of poetry that he wrote himself!
Jeffery H. Who has a broken link to Erik Max Francis's younger brother's page on his Dark Tower page !
Be a Pope ! Choose discordian!
My little brother's page .
I TOTALLY RUINED this guy's life by accident .. But he doesn't know that I was the one who did it.. (please do not tell him):
aganazzar's vidgm-music techno radio
csclub-RV im president 2000-2001

Identity Theft?

Do you think that you met me but I was someone else? That may be the case! Check my handy list of Aliases for the person you met.



Background Image

From Activision's Vampire Assets Pack for webpage designers.. Buy Vampire: The Masquerade TM- Redemption today !
Note that Vampire: The Masquerade tm is a trademark of White Wolf Games that I just used without permission.. If someone minds, write me and I will remove the background image and this credits thingy.

This Site The Web

Get your own Search Engine

Time Remaining until the YOLD 3200 ::
days hours minutes seconds

Vaaleron vacation..

---I will be away.
ps/the reasons essay is coming soon.
when I came to the net I was 5 and used LYNX.
when I started my website I was 12 with EDIT.
when I look today I am almost 19..
To do list:
-I need to get in shape etc. (125 lbs "overweight").
This requires time spent without my comp and snack
food (--The best is honey and mustard pretzels. or
steak and onion potato chips (but only the artificially
flavored ones!)).
-I was waiting in a bookstore and picked up a 'net
addiction' book, and it looks like last tri-month I
had it all.  This will not continue.
-If I get a phone someday I'll put the number
and you can call.
-Learn all you can and always help the newbies.

..go with honor,
everyone.. Im going away for a while.  if its
forever.. with love.  thank you all.
when i am needed again bring me back..
umcp chem major//

to quote ZOOP...

...end of game
watch me at rockville
science day 2001..
(ENC'Rs its time for the LQ-EVOLUTION....
digi-home video!! I did it. It's your turn now)
pps/ ftp ppl
is the fairest way to share the b/w..
Time %  b/w is wasted on mdm usrs/56k->2K/s, 28.8->1K/s, 14.4->.5K/s, AS/DSL->35K/s (good me @ sch)
Data %  mdm usrs get full b/w, ASDSL/TX usrs get dregs.  lts mdm usr hppy thu :)  (good me @ hm)
du T%\\(6-6es/Dst)
D%\\(6-6es/Dst)ov. d.
Cardcaptors ATI/TV WONDER,
56k microsoft windows media video v3 intro demo.. watch the show
every friday on ch50 3:30. this sat: morningtimes. new episode.
buy the dvds from nelvana/clamp <--- both are cool.
----------MUSIC PLAY
JOSH WINK HIGHER STATE OF CONSCIOUSNESS....  live the dream. techno forever..
----------SOLD OUT
ppps/say its not for sale anymore.. its for honor..
----------MANTRA 5
truth is honor
honor is forever
end of game


updates every two minutes
click on my picture for the autorefreshing page

Thanks for tuning in. Best viewed with a browser that supports content.